EFWBA Friends and Members,
Another successful year for East Fort Worth Business Association has come and gone. We are now moving into our next 50 years with the hope that the future is bright for our organization and for our members.
This was a year of adding new members and of adding a Political Action Committee to our endeavors. With Bill Schwennsen at the head the PAC had a successful Candidate Forum and endorsed several candidates. With Mayor and Council races on the horizon for 2025, the PAC will be active in bringing the candidates to speak to our group.
We had a fun, and successful Awards Banquet this year. The students were exceptional, the community awards went to very deserving winners, and our keynote speaker was the best.
We saw two of our board members go off the board for time constraints. David Salgado and Michael Chavez will be missed. They both assure me they aren't going away. They just don't have time for the board demands. Alan Liebrecht took a new job and moved away. We will miss Alan and his smile. These have been replaced with Dan Shelley, Gyna Bivens, and Ialeen Cole. The Texas Wesleyan replacement for Alan is Former State Senator Beverly Powell. We have a wonderful hard-working and dedicated board, and they will be asking our members to serve on newly formed committees as the year moves forward.
Going into the new year I have the pleasure of telling you that our first speaker for the year on January 2ND is a blockbuster. Mayor Jim Ross from Arlington will be with us. I have had the privilege of hearing Mayor Ross speak on three occasions and this is one you won't want to miss. He doesn't give ordinary political speeches. He tells it the way he sees it. Let's fill the room for Mayor Ross. He graciously stepped in when Mayor Parker told us she couldn't be with us.
I'll see you on Thursday January 2nd. Have a safe and happy holiday season.
The Prez
Order your EFWBA Polo Shirt for $30! Click the button below to select a size & complete the sale.
Order your embroidered logo button polo shirt for $30. Wear this shirt to represent our organization at your community or civic events.
Selecting a size will take you to the SwipeSimple checkout page.
Gary Cumbie is bringing as many local candidates to speak and answer questions about their leadership and plans for the office they seek.
Mayor Pro-tem, District 5 Gyna Bivens is not seeking re-election, so there are multiple candidates running for City Council District 5, which includes most of East Fort Worth.
"All politics are local." Be informed about who is running for office, as they are to represent YOU. Then VOTE in the May elections. Election Day is May 3, 2025. Yes, there is early voting.
Learn More Fort Worth Elections
Immediately following the presentation by Fort Worth Mayor Mattie Parker, we will have the project update from Kelly Porter, Assistant Director T.P.W. CFW, and staff on the Major East Lancaster update plan. If possible, please stay to hear the status of this major project.
Meadowbrook-Poly United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall
3900 Meadowbrook Drive, Fort Worth, 76103.
Usually in the building on North side of church complex, closest to Meadowbrook. Overflow Parking on West side of street.
Doors Open 11:30 Lunch 11:45 – 1:00 pm
Meals $15.00 Members • $20.00 Non-Members